Reviewed by : Fauzani Agitya Cahyantoro
If we look at it would have to be targeted by the organizers is how to utilize Lesson Study approach to develop the learning of mathematics and sport Adapted for children with special needs. Cooperation based on self-disclosure was developed by teachers for reflection and communication processes and learning outcomes. Therefore Lesson Study can be viewed as an activity improvement of learning and by teachers. Of course such things would be different impact if which we think is always upgrading, training or other training that is patronizing teacher.
On the other hand we have a strong enough foundation to develop educational for children with special needs. As mentioned in the Law no. 20 of 2003 System National Education Article 32 paragraph (1) that Special Education is education for learners who have difficulty in following the learning process because physical, emotional, mental, social and / or has the potential of intelligence and talent privileged, subsection (2) that education is an education services for learners in remote or underdeveloped areas, indigenous people are isolated, and / or disaster experience natural disasters are not capable of social and economic terms.
Lesson Study as a research will provide an opportunity for teachers to discuss the preparation of learning, implement and reflect at the same time. Teacher or group of teachers in MGMP can agree to observe the learning from a teacher who was chosen as a teacher model. Observation of activities beneficial to record all aspects of learning with intent to obtain benefits for the next learning improvement. Therefore Lesson Study results can be useful for the improvement of curricula (SBC) and the syllabus, textbooks, learning resources and others.
Based on studies in different countries Japan, Australia, Thailand, the Lesson Study Lesson Study implementation may vary. If desired the improvement learning and preparation (RPP) as well as understanding the curriculum, the Lesson Study can conducted by a teacher by working with other teachers and invited a lecturer as a resource. Today the partnership has been developed internationally for the implementation of Lesson Study in different countries simultaneously. Criced (Tsukuba, Japan) in cooperation with crème (Khon Kaen, Thailand) with the sponsor countries incorporated in the APEC, the International Conference held 2 (two) times in one year to represent the results of Lesson Study in the areas of learning mathematics for the APEC countries.
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